Radiolaria are one of the most amazing groups
of the protozoa. They are marine, pelagic organisms.
They exhibit a complex endoskeleton, formed with silica, often radially
symmetrical and very beautiful. The endoskeleton (a central capsule)
covers a nucleated part of the cell and it separates this part from an ectoplasm.
You can find more info about radiolaria at
The famous and beautiful drawings of Radiolaria
were made by Ernst Haeckel and published in a book Die Radiolarien (Berlin, 1862), available
online from the Kurt
Stüber's Online Library. Even more amazing resource is
a Report on the Radiolaria collected by Ernst Haeckel
during H.M.S. Challenger voyage 1873-1876.
Morphology of the Radiolaria skeletons:
Most of the presented specimens come from the following samples, courtesy of
Prof. Annika Sanfilippo and Mr. Warren Smith,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD:
- Equatorial Pacific, 38-40 cm, Quaternary (JYN V 38P)
- Equatorial Pacific, 81-83 cm, Late Middle Eocene (DSDP 16-162-6-4)
- Equatorial Pacific, 100-102 cm, Early Pliocene (DSDP 9-77B-7-4)
- Equatorial Pacific, 65-67 cm, Pliocene/Late Miocene (DSDP 9-77B-10-2)
- Gulf of Mexico/Carribean, Middle Eocene (DSDP 15-149-34-CC)
- Gulf of Mexico/Carribean, 42-44cm, Early Oligocene (DSDP 10-94-12-4)
- Indian Ocean, 133-135cm, Quaternary (DSDP 24-238-2-6)
- Indian Ocean, 99-101cm, Pliocene/Late Miocene (DSDP 24-238-18-6)
and from the Eocene sediments from Barbados island (received from WARD's Natural Science supply house).
The images were processed using a
CombineZ v.4.2 program (by Alan Hadley) to increase a depth of field. Please note: I'm not 100% sure
if the presented genera are correctly identified. I will appreciate your comments very much.

Calocyclas |

Dictyoprora |

Eusyringium |

Heliodiscus |

Hexastylus |

Lithochytris |

Lophospyris |

Lychnocanoma |

Podocyrtis |

Thyrsocyrtis |

Xiphosphaera |

Xiphostylus |