Zeiss Photomicroscope III
My current 'workhorse' is Zeiss Photomicroscope III, made in West Germany circa 1980.
This is a beautiful machine, state-of-the-art in mechanical and optical engineering.
The Zeiss microscope is equipped with 10x wide field compensating eyepieces,
Optovar (magnification changer + Bertrand lens), turret phase/darkfield condenser,
circular rotating mechanical stage, and a 100w/12v halogen illuminator.
I added simple polarizer and analyzer filters and retardation plate, so the microscope
is capable of polarized light technique.
Currently, I own a very nice set of objectives, including Zeiss 10x/N.A. 0.32 Apo,
Zeiss 25x/N.A. 0.60 Neofluar, Zeiss 40x/N.A. 0.75 Phase Neofluar,
Zeiss 100x/N.A. 1.32 Phase Neofluar, Olympus 10x/N.A. 0.40 Planapo
and Olympus 20x/N.A. 0.70 Planapo.
The microscope has an automatic 35mm camera system built-in. Additionaly, it
has a 20%/80% splitting prism and upper port that allows connecting other imaging
devices, e.g. digital cameras. Overall, it is an excellent microscope, very easy to use.